

First description of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea migration recorded by GPSGSM transmitter

作者: 本站 來源: 本站 時間:2021年05月10日

  Ye, X., Xu, Z., Aharon-Rotman, Y., Yu, H. and Cao, L., 2018. First description of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea migration recorded by GPS/GSM transmitter. Ornithological Science, 17(2), pp.223-228. (蒼鷺,27 g,backbag)

  The migratory behavior of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea is poorly known. We tracked an adult Grey Heron with a GPS/GSM transmitter for two consecutive years (2014–2015) including two complete migrations between Dongting Lake, a wintering area, and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, a breeding area, along with a post-breeding area in Jiamusi City. We found that the Grey Heron migrated without using stopover sites en route and traveled both by day and night. The home-range size and habitat type used varied between life stages (wintering, breeding, and post-breeding periods), but agricultural habitats were used more in winter. Our study revealed for the first time the detail of the year-round movements and habitat use of the Grey Heron.


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